It is a great starting point to view Savings and Investments as two separate “pots” of money. Savings for the short term, easy to access, safe and possibly there for some planned expenditure such as a holiday or house renovation, or just an emergency. Investments on the other hand should be seen over the longer term, usually for 5 years or more and be there for future needs or goals or just that Rainy Day that most of our parents warned us about!
The difference is that Investments due to their longer-term nature have assets within them that carry Investment Risk. As a result, they can provide you with greater potential growth but have the flipside of potentially giving you a loss too. Risk, volatility, and the type of return you are looking for are some of the factors that will form the type of Investment we would recommend.
Regardless of your goals or ambitions we will take the time to listen to your specific needs and importantly explain your options. Our clients are regularly Investing for themselves and their future generations as well as providing for their income needs.
Once we understand your goals, we will arrange meetings to explain your options, this will include assessing your Attitude to Investment Risk and an explanation of what that means to you, followed by our Independent recommendations once we have completed the necessary research and due diligence so that you have a clear Investment Portfolio suitable for your needs with the flexibility to weather future changes.
This of course is just the start……………….
At MSM Independent our Advisors are looking to build long term relationships with clients to help them reach their goals. This is achieved with regular reviews to ensure that you are on track and any changes are made to reflect the current economic conditions or changes in your circumstances.
As technology continues a pace, most Investment solutions can now be viewed online, and we will help take care of administration along with providing you with a transparent charging structure.
It’s really not as daunting as you may think, why not get in touch we’ll introduce ourselves and the process.